Dear Parent,

      I am pleased to announce an exciting opportunity for your daughter’s enjoyment and benefit. The Bat Mitzvah Club is designed for Jewish girls as they approach their Bat Mitzvah birthday. A Jewish girl’s Bat Mitzvah birthday reflects a major turning point in her life. This club emphasizes that a Bat Mitzvah is a process, not a self-contained event that transpires in one day.

      Through my involvement with the Jewish community, I have noticed girls of this age manifest heightened interest, curiosity, and energy towards discovering more about themselves and the world around them. The Bat Mitzvah Club’s program serves to challenge and stimulate its members as they undergo profound physical, emotional, and intellectual changes. Reaching beyond the common conception of a Bat Mitzvah as simply a Bar Mitzvah for girls, the club serves as a forum for discussion and discovery of the true meaning of Bat Mitzvah. It encourages the girls to learn more about this unique time in their lives, to gain new perspectives on their positions as females, as adults, and as Jews. Members enjoy a combination of learning and fun through regular monthly meetings, special programs, activities, projects, and involvement in the Jewish community.

     As they share interests, goals, and experiences, club members develop a sense of unity and friendship with other Jewish girls their age. They learn about the positive contributions they can make to themselves, their families, and the Jewish community at large. These girls will face the future as committed, knowledgeable, confident Jewish women who are proud of their unique identities. Aside from continuing a vibrant heritage from the past, they will form a new generation of leaders and active participants in the Jewish community. The Bat Mitzvah Club truly represents a worthwhile investment of your daughter’s extracurricular time.

 The Club is designed not to interfere with any Bat Mitzvah lessons your daughter may already be taking, rather to meaningfully enhance this special time in your daughter’s life.

 The Bat Mitzvah Club meets approximately every three weeks at a time that works for the members. The cost of the program is $300. Please contact me if you require or are able to sponsor a scholarship.

 Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments at [email protected]. You can also call Morah Sherry Wolfe-Elazar – (204) 586 3698 for an alumni parent’s perspective.

 Looking forward to hearing from you,

 Chana Heidingsfeld